Our staff

The company was founded in 2002 by Michael Nguyen, Heidrun Schumann, Volker Horch and Gladys Riego. Since August 2018, Ayoze San Juan Cruz has been co-owner of the business. In June 2023, Volker Horch handed over his company shares to his business partners.


Michael, the managing director, lives since 1992 on the island and had the basic idea for La Palma 24. He is as well the managing director of Auto La Palma 24. Since March 2022, he also takes care of his new business in the freshly founded software company TuneraSoft.


Tetyana Gandorfer worked with us since October 2022. Like our whole team, she speaks the three most important languages: German, Spanish and English. Tetyana lives since 2004 on La Palma and can give our guests useful tips on excursions and restaurants around the island. Her great passion is sport.


Heidrun Schumann came to La Palma in 1993. She has been organised and managed the holiday rental sector since the founding of the La Palma 24 Group. In April 2018, Heidrun adopted a new career path and opened the Yoga Center La Palma, which she managed successfully since then.


Gladys Riego is an original Palmera and is graduates in Web Design. The La Palma 24 real estate portal is managed by Gladys since 2018. Gladys has been working for companies and institutions on the island for many years in the areas of marketing, social media and advertising development. She gained her knowledge in seminars and workshops on La Palma and through online courses.

Ayoze San Juan Cruz was born on La Palma and is co-owner of the company since 2018. Ayoze is responsible for the programming of the website as well as for all technical areas of the business. Together with Michael and Volker, he has founded the software company TuneraSoft in March 2022.

  • Our address
  • C. Fernández Taño, 5
  • 38760 - Los Llanos de Aridane
  • La Palma - Canary Island
  • 28.659341, -17.913154
  • la-palma24@la-palma24.net
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Opening hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 - 13:00



Sunday closed

Local time La Palma



(0034) 922 46 18 19


(0034) 682 89 48 29


C. Fernández Taño, 5

38760 - Los Llanos de Aridane

La Palma - Canary Islands




Appointments outside of the office opening hours are possible by prior request.

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